* ① Owner · Crafter · Model of DIECZE  

* ② Bead maestro  ·  Knit Addict  ·  Flash Sacrifice 


 메탈릭한 소재와 진주로 3D 형태의 비드 워크(beadwork) 를

주로 작업하는 한국계 중국인 아티스트  




Born in China

Now in Seoul

CH / KR / EN




Handcraft for dan is a personal try to preserve the tranquility of meditation, to seize the shade of endless nighttime, and to beat the wordless cruelty against Her - through hEr - from heR. 


 Through the lens of beadwork, DIECZE examines the bizarre and mysterious subject of ‘vivi’(生). 

㻡 · 册(DIECZE)用串珠工艺(beadwork)的镜头来审视“生”这一奇异又神秘的主题。

 Driven by the instinct of composing fragments into organism morphology,  metallic beads and pearls are weaved into the shape of unknown “creatures” that could breathe, might freeze, then seep into deep dreams.


 It is the shape of petal made of scattered sparks in childhood memories. It is the faint luminescence in the abyssal plain of the ocean. It is the atypical and aberrant bipolarity that any kind of creature has. 



Based on the perspective of the uncertain and ambiguous ‘vivi’(生) in time and space, DIECZE grafts it into 3D beadwork such as jewelry, accessory, object etc, trying to shape the existence of the uninhibited and ravishing ’vivi‘(生). 


 以对于时空不定且模糊的“生”的视角为基点,㻡 · 册(DIECZE)把其嫁接到珠宝、配饰、风铃等多种多样的3D串珠作品(beadwork),试图为不羁而美丽的“生”的原貌赋予现实的形体。 

 Welcome to DIECZE

欢迎来到 㻡 · 册.


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